The return. Short drive to Radium today. Brief stop to try to recreate an old favourite view of Mt. Rundle (missed the good light by minutes, and got boring foreground, so it goes…). My gear has changed multiple times since I lived here years and years ago, but I’m still using the same tripod! Felt neat putting it in almost the same location… my old dog Sasha was alive back then and would accompany me on most trips, and I missed her a bit.
Near Radium, a scenic pull-off gave an opportunity to shoot some stars in the fading twilight. I missed the mark ever so slightly here with respect to composition, trying to keep as much milky way as possible in the frame resulted in some weird off-level shots that looked cool in camera but aren’t quite as I wanted in retrospect. It was a pretty stop, being out in the snowy mountains after dark is majestic. There’s a reference shot from years ago before the main gallery here, one of the best from a couple of years of going back to this same spot and spending hours just watching the light change and playing with the dog.